oh girlz:( Im sorry that your having a rough week. you have to take a step back...and realize the things that are valuable...in five years what are the things you will remember? it's not work. its not how much money is in your checking account on May 7th, 2008. its the fact that you buried your nephew...and your babies 3rd b-day! It's so hard as a mom to have to play all the roles that life throws us! I feel terrible and need to apologize because I am one of the people who made a small comment about the blog not posting last week... like you said in this talky..."COME ON!" sometimes when we dont have things going on in our own lives that are BIG things...we dont think other people do either...we forget. Someone checks us out at the grocery store and they arent maybe as friendly as we would like...we complain. "what the heck is their problem!!!" But the truth is...we dont have the slightest clue whats going on in their lives. This is a great lesson for us all...be a little more COMPASSIONATE to others. All the issues you 2 are facing this week makes the Miley thing look silly doesnt it. Its shameful really that we all get so caught up in such small things in life! Im going to honestly pray for you girlz when Im done typing...this to shall pass, you are strong, you are overcomers, the head not the tail...first not last...above and not beneath, and most of all victorious in CHRIST JESUS who strengthens you:) Do what you have to do for your family...ceci ...go with your husband and dont let anyone make you feel bad for doing it...he needs to come before work! even if you maybe...didnt ask off soon enough! they WILL manage...go with him! and have a great time! mandy...go home early the rest of the week...and be with your family too...hey, maybe you and your husband could go out for a nice dinner alone...and talk! one on one! Dont let satan make you feel hopeless and out of control...take it back and let him know that Christ is in control...and you will be just fine!!! finish this week strong!!!! thinking about you both.... ~H
Thank you to everyone for your prayers, they are felt and appreciated. I just wanted to say that I love and appreciate my JQ family as well, there was much support for me and my family over the last week. I didn't so much get "yelled at" for asking for the day off, as talked to about following procedures for taking a vacation day. I have so many left over emotions from this week, that I just started crying from being overwhelmed...it wasn't even really related to the conversation at hand. After I watched the talky blog back, it looked like "T" and "G" were being mean, and they weren't. They were very gracious considering the circumstance.
Thanks to everyone who reads and watches this blog. It is so great that you invest time in making comments and sharing your thoughts. I hope we can continue to support and encourage each other. Cry together and make each other laugh. Thanks for the connection.
Ceci, So sorry to hear about the loss to your family. Hope your trip with hubby goes well and thank God no worry about colon cancer!
You have had a lot going on.
Mandy, From one people pleaser to another... ;) Hang in there, girl. Recognizing it is half the battle. As you get a little older, you start to figure out what really makes a difference in the long run and start to feel less guilty when it is necessary to say no.
Like you have time to read when you are already busy...however, sometimes a few minutes spent on ourselves pays off in hours later. Kevin Lehman has some great books on Pleasing/Not being as pleasing and why we do the things we do.
You are both in my prayers. Balancing home, family and work is a tough job! AND guys always want to seem to "fix" it whenever they see/hear about a problem.
Ladies, keep being real. Ceci, I know EXACTLY what you felt like with Dave. My husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer back in February. We have been married 2.5 years, I felt like I had not fully realized what an awesome gift God had given me in him until that point. Yes, I told him I loved him, I did; he was my rock, he was my comforter (on earth), and to be told that something has invaded your loved ones body is hard. By God's awesome power he is cancer free right now, but it is hard. I realize you don't know me, and you probably hear these sort of things all the time... just know GURLZ, that as a woman, I KNOW how those days where the whole world feels like it is at your back, you just want clarity on how to move forward. Keep living as though God has given you a special gift today and love those around you. Nicki C.
Wow. How you seem to echo my very thoughts! I think many many many women understand that you are just venting and most all of us can relate. I understand that you feel blessed in your jobs and with your work environment and that it is just what girls need to do. Taking it to Christian friends is always what I have been told is more appropriate...we all need to vent! I too have struggled with such things @ work while trying to balance my mom's sudden and aggressive Squamous Cell Carcinoma on her head as well as a just discovered collapsed valve in her heart and on top of that balancing work and home and kids schedules and, and, and......just stop the ferris wheel will ya?!!! That is what I want to yell at times. We carry it all with us...just like the Spaghetti Mandy talked about. And normally I handle it all in stride....but mom threw me for a loop. It is mom. Those things cant happen to my mom. The day after going with her to have her cancer removed (praise God that they believe with 100% certainty that they got it all)....I pretty much snapped at a nice lady who called to let me know of an error on a schedule that she THOUGHT I produced. I didn't produce it...and I began to explain that to her nicely but then something in me snapped and my week came rushing over me...my mom...the negativity of co workers nit picking at everything that dis pleases them as they talk behind others backs...and I work at a Church for heavens sake. I try to direct it properly and end up getting squashed somewhere in the middle. Anyway....like I said...snapped. I mean....how dare she....how dare they all!! I think I snapped nicely but I was choking back the tears as I said....how come no one ever calls to say...great job...nice newsletter....wow...you are great....thank you for all you do. Why do I only hear the nit picking...negativity. Soooooooo needless to say...my emotions were ruling me and it was (as you both said) my entire life was in that moment of meltdown...not just that particular topic. My husband is often praising me and most women for all we are able to balance and he is the first to say he could not begin to do it. Still....makes me twitch every time I get a note from my boss with "!!" on it. Makes me want to say...give me a break.....I keep you where you need to be...when you need to be there....and make sure you have everything you need while you are there....not to mention making travel plans for your family members and make the office run smoothly...and you dare leave me a note with "!!" on it?? And his "!!" are usually something like...we didnt get enough chocolate donuts in our order this past weekend!! Call the bakery and let them know we are not happy!!!! :)Oh well....such is life. Sorry for the novel....but I feel much better now...that was very therapeutic....hope you two feel better as well and know that we all can relate :) My job is one where my family comes first....as long as I have coverage....but that is a blessing...and I know it! Anyway....you go girls. Power to the Sisterhood :)
Ladies, it's unbelievable how similar we are when you make yourself vulnerable to others. I totally agree that women balance so much. My husband and I can argue about something and I'll be feeling horrible, unable to think or function, while he turns on a t.v. and will be yucking it up watching a comedy show 10 minutes later. Maybe their lives are like those hotlunch trays that keep everything separate from eachother. We must be giant bowls of spaghetti! I do think we are superior at multi-tasking. Maybe it comes from our giant spaghetti bowls where we can help a child put on a shoe while baking cookies and talking on the phone. My husband got lost (in Holland!) while driving and eating a cheeseburger once. Oh one more thing is that you two are super talented interesting, exciting personalities. If the station wanted these hyper organized ledger/calendar/schedule type people, we'd miss the *sparkle* of your personalities. People seem to be either kinda right brained and creative/outgoing (you girls), or precise, mathmatical, organized. Keep doing an awesome job! I needed you two, and cried right along with you. Boy you are bringing out the novelists today girls!
these comments are so great! lots and lots of other woman trying to be the "HUB" of everyones life, feeling overwhelmed...pressured...but by the grace of God, were making it thru huh! all the girlz that write on the blog are so fun, and ready to be there to pump others up...its great! too ad we dont know each other personally, to talk and have coffee or something :) (or maybe we do and dont know it!) wierd!! ceci...my grandfather is buried by the 3 little babies that are yours and your sisters...I go to keep up his plot, and saw the 3...it touched me seeing how they have been on my mind this week...I kinda just sat there today and thought about the week. How much they are all loved:) Hope you both had a great Thursday...and like the above writer said...when someone shows themselves vulnerable...it makes others let their guard down and be that way back...its healing:) talk soon...~H
This blog is meant to be an extension of my show "Connect with Ceci" on 99.3, Mon-Fri 10:30-3:00. I appreciate comments and insights, so together we can connect...with God, our community and the world.
oh girlz:( Im sorry that your having a rough week. you have to take a step back...and realize the things that are valuable...in five years what are the things you will remember? it's not work. its not how much money is in your checking account on May 7th, 2008. its the fact that you buried your nephew...and your babies 3rd b-day! It's so hard as a mom to have to play all the roles that life throws us! I feel terrible and need to apologize because I am one of the people who made a small comment about the blog not posting last week... like you said in this talky..."COME ON!" sometimes when we dont have things going on in our own lives that are BIG things...we dont think other people do either...we forget. Someone checks us out at the grocery store and they arent maybe as friendly as we would like...we complain. "what the heck is their problem!!!" But the truth is...we dont have the slightest clue whats going on in their lives. This is a great lesson for us all...be a little more COMPASSIONATE to others.
All the issues you 2 are facing this week makes the Miley thing look silly doesnt it. Its shameful really that we all get so caught up in such small things in life! Im going to honestly pray for you girlz when Im done typing...this to shall pass, you are strong, you are overcomers, the head not the tail...first not last...above and not beneath, and most of all victorious in CHRIST JESUS who strengthens you:) Do what you have to do for your family...ceci ...go with your husband and dont let anyone make you feel bad for doing it...he needs to come before work! even if you maybe...didnt ask off soon enough! they WILL manage...go with him! and have a great time!
mandy...go home early the rest of the week...and be with your family too...hey, maybe you and your husband could go out for a nice dinner alone...and talk! one on one! Dont let satan make you feel hopeless and out of control...take it back and let him know that Christ is in control...and you will be just fine!!! finish this week strong!!!! thinking about you both....
No words can say it, tears in my eyes for you guys. Just consider yourself hugged big time with love and prayers headed your way.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers, they are felt and appreciated. I just wanted to say that I love and appreciate my JQ family as well, there was much support for me and my family over the last week. I didn't so much get "yelled at" for asking for the day off, as talked to about following procedures for taking a vacation day. I have so many left over emotions from this week, that I just started crying from being overwhelmed...it wasn't even really related to the conversation at hand.
After I watched the talky blog back, it looked like "T" and "G" were being mean, and they weren't. They were very gracious considering the circumstance.
Thanks to everyone who reads and watches this blog. It is so great that you invest time in making comments and sharing your thoughts. I hope we can continue to support and encourage each other. Cry together and make each other laugh.
Thanks for the connection.
So sorry to hear about the loss to your family. Hope your trip with hubby goes well and thank God no worry about colon cancer!
You have had a lot going on.
From one people pleaser to another... ;) Hang in there, girl. Recognizing it is half the battle. As you get a little older, you start to figure out what really makes a difference in the long run and start to feel less guilty when it is necessary to say no.
Like you have time to read when you are already busy...however, sometimes a few minutes spent on ourselves pays off in hours later. Kevin Lehman has some great books on Pleasing/Not being as pleasing and why we do the things we do.
I also found this:
You are both in my prayers. Balancing home, family and work is a tough job! AND guys always want to seem to "fix" it whenever they see/hear about a problem.
Ladies, keep being real. Ceci, I know EXACTLY what you felt like with Dave. My husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer back in February. We have been married 2.5 years, I felt like I had not fully realized what an awesome gift God had given me in him until that point. Yes, I told him I loved him, I did; he was my rock, he was my comforter (on earth), and to be told that something has invaded your loved ones body is hard. By God's awesome power he is cancer free right now, but it is hard. I realize you don't know me, and you probably hear these sort of things all the time... just know GURLZ, that as a woman, I KNOW how those days where the whole world feels like it is at your back, you just want clarity on how to move forward. Keep living as though God has given you a special gift today and love those around you.
Nicki C.
Wow. How you seem to echo my very thoughts! I think many many many women understand that you are just venting and most all of us can relate. I understand that you feel blessed in your jobs and with your work environment and that it is just what girls need to do. Taking it to Christian friends is always what I have been told is more appropriate...we all need to vent! I too have struggled with such things @ work while trying to balance my mom's sudden and aggressive Squamous Cell Carcinoma on her head as well as a just discovered collapsed valve in her heart and on top of that balancing work and home and kids schedules and, and, and......just stop the ferris wheel will ya?!!! That is what I want to yell at times. We carry it all with us...just like the Spaghetti Mandy talked about. And normally I handle it all in stride....but mom threw me for a loop. It is mom. Those things cant happen to my mom. The day after going with her to have her cancer removed (praise God that they believe with 100% certainty that they got it all)....I pretty much snapped at a nice lady who called to let me know of an error on a schedule that she THOUGHT I produced. I didn't produce it...and I began to explain that to her nicely but then something in me snapped and my week came rushing over me...my mom...the negativity of co workers nit picking at everything that dis pleases them as they talk behind others backs...and I work at a Church for heavens sake. I try to direct it properly and end up getting squashed somewhere in the middle. Anyway....like I said...snapped. I mean....how dare she....how dare they all!! I think I snapped nicely but I was choking back the tears as I said....how come no one ever calls to say...great job...nice newsletter....wow...you are great....thank you for all you do. Why do I only hear the nit picking...negativity. Soooooooo needless to say...my emotions were ruling me and it was (as you both said) my entire life was in that moment of meltdown...not just that particular topic. My husband is often praising me and most women for all we are able to balance and he is the first to say he could not begin to do it. Still....makes me twitch every time I get a note from my boss with "!!" on it. Makes me want to say...give me a break.....I keep you where you need to be...when you need to be there....and make sure you have everything you need while you are there....not to mention making travel plans for your family members and make the office run smoothly...and you dare leave me a note with "!!" on it?? And his "!!" are usually something like...we didnt get enough chocolate donuts in our order this past weekend!! Call the bakery and let them know we are not happy!!!! :)Oh well....such is life. Sorry for the novel....but I feel much better now...that was very therapeutic....hope you two feel better as well and know that we all can relate :) My job is one where my family comes first....as long as I have coverage....but that is a blessing...and I know it! Anyway....you go girls. Power to the Sisterhood :)
Ladies, it's unbelievable how similar we are when you make yourself vulnerable to others. I totally agree that women balance so much. My husband and I can argue about something and I'll be feeling horrible, unable to think or function, while he turns on a t.v. and will be yucking it up watching a comedy show 10 minutes later. Maybe their lives are like those hotlunch trays that keep everything separate from eachother. We must be giant bowls of spaghetti! I do think we are superior at multi-tasking. Maybe it comes from our giant spaghetti bowls where we can help a child put on a shoe while baking cookies and talking on the phone. My husband got lost (in Holland!) while driving and eating a cheeseburger once. Oh one more thing is that you two are super talented interesting, exciting personalities. If the station wanted these hyper organized ledger/calendar/schedule type people, we'd miss the *sparkle* of your personalities. People seem to be either kinda right brained and creative/outgoing (you girls), or precise, mathmatical, organized. Keep doing an awesome job! I needed you two, and cried right along with you. Boy you are bringing out the novelists today girls!
these comments are so great! lots and lots of other woman trying to be the "HUB" of everyones life, feeling overwhelmed...pressured...but by the grace of God, were making it thru huh! all the girlz that write on the blog are so fun, and ready to be there to pump others up...its great! too ad we dont know each other personally, to talk and have coffee or something :) (or maybe we do and dont know it!) wierd!!
ceci...my grandfather is buried by the 3 little babies that are yours and your sisters...I go to keep up his plot, and saw the 3...it touched me seeing how they have been on my mind this week...I kinda just sat there today and thought about the week. How much they are all loved:)
Hope you both had a great Thursday...and like the above writer said...when someone shows themselves vulnerable...it makes others let their guard down and be that way back...its healing:)
talk soon...~H
Mandy and CeCi,
Y'all crack me up!!!! I'm so sorry for your rough week and you both spoke a lot of truth. But, it was also so funny at times.
CeCi, I'm so sorry for your loss. That is far too much tragedy. :(
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