Thursday, May 01, 2008

Finally, the Wednesday talky


Anonymous said...

Crazy Starbucks lady loves the talky blogs! And don't worry your kids are not the only one who screams thier parent's orders in the backseat.

Anonymous said...

Hi, ladies! I love the talky blog! Keep it up!

I am very careful with what I let my girls watch. No Hannah Montana over here (they are 6 and under). I believe the media leads our girls (especially) to believe that value is found in how they look rather than who they are in Christ. No words have to be spoken to send cultural messages to our girls. I just think we need to be soooo careful with what we allow into our girls' eyes, ears and minds. Now I'm glad my girls don't know who Hannah Montana is. I wouldn't want to have to explain all of this junk to a 6 year old! She doesn't need to be exposed to all of this at such a young age!

Just my 2 cents :)

Anonymous said...

my 3 kids (2 boys 11 and 10...and my daughter (14) have watched Hannah M. for a long time now...I really like her's funny, and I even watch with them! Funny thing is...they DONT however watch the "news" so they dont have any idea about the racey pictures. Why do you feel the need to have to now tell your kids what happened? My kids have no doesnt change the show. Look...we can all get crazy and say no tv...but thats not really the real monitoring is the next best have to monitor! as far as MTV and shows like that....NO! not for kids....and there are even shows like "Avatar" that I DO NOT let my boys watch! because I have checked into it...and now know the background content. for my family Hannah is great! she hasnt made the best moral choice recently...I do realize that...but does that mean that now we all have to boycott her and go on Hannah strike??? thats silly to me. I really dont feel like you need to bring up the "facts" about the pictures....leave it alone.
great blog again girls! and now 2 things...cecis hair looks shorter...? no? and I just went back and watched your "mean girls" blog...and laughed just as hard as the first time! ceci were in a very funny funny CUTE mood that day! FULL of spunk! I want to hang out with you by a campfire and laugh!!! I think you guys are great!
have a fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making time to do this each week. I really appreciate it. Had a bad day at work yesterday, it was nice to come in today and have 10 min of fun watching your blog.

As far as TV, we gave it up over a year ago. (canceled cable) I miss it sometimes, but not as much as you would think anymore. It is wild how "out of touch" I am with the TV world . People will talk about a show at work, and I have no idea what they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

I have to completely agree with you that the very first thought I had was how inappropriate it was to have Miley and her DAD pose together like that. It would be inappropriate with any male....but her DAD? It just seemed very (pardon this please) but borderline pornographic in my opinion. I dont consider myself a prude either....but I really have a line where my morals are concerned and I just dont feel that we have to accept this garbage just because it is becoming more and more the norm. Can you imagine this 30 years ago....or even 20? I am 43 years old now and I have a 16 year old daughter and a 13 (soon to be 14) year old son. We watch things like the Discovery Channel....Jon & Kate (just me and my husband and son just dont get what the appeal is)..we get totally sucked into Dirty Jobs and Deadliest Catch and our very favorite is Cash Cab!! But even on the Discovery Channel the commercials can be appalling. Even with a 16 and a 14 year old that are growing into very amazing young Christians....the temptations and suggestions that this is all "okay" is highly disturbing. Think of the fact that they never used to be able to show kissing on t.v. and now there are innuendos flying all over the place...insinuating sexual relationships btwn adults and even teens...not to mention all the kissing you see even on the Disney Channel. The world has made it all ok and society is just falling into that. I am sorry, it is not okay with me. Not when you are trying to promote purity to your children and teach them that everything you "give away" to a boy or a girl is something that you can never get back. What is honorable to God? If you start with holding hands...then you just kiss...because it is just a kiss right? Then every step beyond that is easier and easier because it just is all "no big deal". T.V. doesnt show the reality of life and the consequences we face. Everything is distant and un real on t.v. and it somehow always just works out.

I didnt like the few photos I saw of Miley but I would have to say the most disturbing to me was of her and her Dad. Just looked icky...almost seductive. Eww. You are right....all the stars like Rosie (is suppose to be a respectable person for me to listen to?) and Madonna (ditto) are saying to leave her alone....and sticking up for the photos as "beautiful and she is bound to come into her own and show herself one day so what is the prob." Hmmmm......I guess I fault the adults who are not looking out for her best interest more than her. Ceci you are exactly right about the frontal cortex. My husband talks to groups of people about all that and I cant begin to explain let alone spell it all but it is the imgdela (sp) and this hormone that is released. I can not for the life of me think of what it is called right now...starts with a D. Anyway it is what keeps kids from making the "informed" decision. Of course we remember Natali Holloway and all wonder what a smarter than smart Honors Student with a full scholarship to college would be doing parting with strangers and going out alone with three guys. That is one of the main reasons....the immaturity and in ability to make the informed decision due to the hormone and the frontal cortex. Sorry...he has said it so much I should remember it all.....but go back a talky blog and recall how we can block out the chatter when we are not in the mood :) oops on my part lol.

New topic: I would have to say the fun part of the bolgs to me is the realness. It is like when my Pastor tells a story of a argument he and his wife had...and then he relays how God used that to help him realize how he was wrong :) Mostly kidding but aside from is always healthy for us to know that even our Pastor is not perfect. Even he faces trials and frustrations just like we do. When you two share your real life with us....I guess it is a reality forum for us. We love to share and compare and is good therapy and so much cheaper ;)

Anonymous said...

It is Dopamine! Again...the spelling is probably way off. I knew I would remember after my first little novel :)

Anonymous said...

She made a mistake just like we all do... she apologized. I think it would be crazy to stop watching it just b/c she had some bad pictures taken. Don't let your kids stop enjoying her show just b/c she made a mistake. I also agree with the other girl up there how would your five year know about the pictures..don't tell them.

Anonymous said...

Hey girls,
I am very careful with what my kids watch,on tv.This has really weakend my faith in Miley. i have a 11 year old daughter and a 14 year old son.We all love to watch hannah montanna,im not sure if i should let them watch the show or not what do you think ceci?

Anonymous said...

Cute end shot Mandy!

Anonymous said...

You know....I believe we all judge...that is what we determine is right or wrong for us. But to condemn is not our place so I feel that I am not really condemning Miley in particular. I suppose I am more disappointed that she would not speak up and say "No, this is not good for my image or for those who look up to me" but I more so am disappointed with the adults around her. As far as the kids....when they are 5 & 6 years old you are probably going to be able to avoid the whole media blow up...but for the older kids...I say use it as an opportunity to teach them. How each choice we make we are faced consequences and sometimes those are good and sometimes they are not. The whole "consider what effect this will have" conversations. Maybe it can be used as a learning tool. 1. Is it honorable to God? (The Cyrus clan talks the "God" talk...I suppose that we dont know if they actually walk the walk but that is not ours to worry about I guess. 2. Will it hurt others? 3. Will it affect me negatively?
I say poor her for falling into the trap that she has even spoke of herself with Britney S. and Lindsay L. Maybe this will make her stronger and more aware of each choice she does make in all situations she finds herself in.

Anonymous said...

How many bosses do you have? Three weeks ago, Gary Thompson was the boss. Two weeks ago, Brad is the boss, and last week Less is the boss.

Anonymous said...

I could swear that today I heard on TLC that Jon and Kate plus eight is having a mothers day marathon....Im so excited! THAT is great news! My husband even likes that show...and he doesnt typically like any really. I want you gilrz to think about having a recipe day maybe just on Wed. talky's to start....maybe throw out a fun recipe thats not tacos or sloppy joes etc....Im finding myself straining my brain to be creative:) Tonight I actually was making a list for groceries and was on brain freeze in the dinner section of my list and blurted out to my chitlens...." guys come in here and tell me what you all want for dinner the next like 3 nights..."(thinking this would surely give me some sure fire ideas that would get eaten at dinner time!) they all said...PIZZA! aaawwww NO!

Trish said...

Ceci, I didn't know where else to send this, but I am very sorry to hear of your loss! I too have a baby in heaven and it's not easy. People can be very ignorant when it comes to people grieving! I am very willing to talk with people or listen for that matter, plus I live in the area, not sure if your sister does? I will keep your family in my prayers as I know that this is a difficult time!

Anonymous said... condolences as well upon your families loss. Words can not bring what we all wish they could, but I will continue to pray for your sister and husband and children as well as their extended families.

This seems odd to switch gears now as my heart is really going out to you all...but I came across the following insight into the whole Miley thing and as it convicted me a little...wanted to share it. If anyone is interested in reading the whole article as this is just a portion of can find it @ and it is under Campus Life's Ignite your Faith for Christian Teens.

Thanks again for all of what you both share with all of us. I feel like I have girlfriends I have never met :) Be Blessed and here is the info:

"Because of how outspoken Miley has been about her faith (even reciting the Bible on Oprah), I've been a little worried and confused about a few suggestive and revealing pictures of 15-year-old Miley that have appeared online. Those worries got a little more intense last week with the controversy surrounding her pose in a Vanity Fair picture. I've heard Christians asking, "Is she the next Britney Spears? Can her faith really be real?"

I think we need to be very careful questioning her faith. In fact, I believe that any criticism we have of Miley right now should come with a good share of humility and self-examination (Matthew 7:1–5). Who are we to judge what's between her and God (Romans 14:4)? At the same time, I think she's made some mistakes—like we all do. Except, for her, any mistakes she makes as a growing Christian are witnessed by everyone. Hopefully, Miley sees her mistake, feels God's grace, is surrounded by loving Christians, and through all this, learns more about walking in God's path.

It sounds like she's headed in the right direction. "I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be 'artistic,'" she said in a statement to People magazine. "Now, seeing the photographs, I feel so embarrassed. … The pictures of me on the internet were silly, inappropriate shots. I [hope my fans] understand that along the way I am going to make mistakes and I am not perfect. I never intended for any of this happen and I am truly sorry if I have disappointed anyone."

Anonymous said...

Im glad that last blogger wrote that article clip ablove! I feel thtas so true. Everytime we sit back and act all "self rightous" it seems so hypocritical. Have any of you that are so convicting her...ever done anything that you look back on and thought..."oh crap...maybe I shouldnt have done that, or acted that way, or cut someone off and drove away with the FISH symbol on your minivan" can we not cut anyone slack anymore at all! she realizes she did something she probably shouldnt have...and ten to one wont do it again. I think she's a good girl...and for someone to say now they are not going to allow THEIR child to even watch her anymore is staggering to me! Before you go throwing those might want to look in your own backyard. and if you have small careful as dont yet know the stunts they might pull at age 15! get off the hypocrite wagon and say look...these pics dont mean that Miley is now just like every other hollywood teen...and is pretty sure to be the next Brittney. COME ON! last I checked being a christian didnt mean condeming the actions of anothers mistake. Its just not right...and it turns people who arent christians off to my opinion.

Anonymous said...

ceci, I forgot to mention above...Im feeling so sad for you sister...and losing her child...its a tough thing for the whole family Im sure...and there are so many of us, who have her in our thoughts. ~H

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate the article that someone quoted from Christianity Today. It was tempered with grace and humility- something I often find I need more of as a Christian. Standing up for a moral right is important- but there's a fine line to walk when it becomes "I'm glad I'm not like that". I LOVE all the comments expressed here! I remember your vision for this show when you first started it... this is it!!!!!

Christy said...

About Miley Cirus. My girls are a little older, 12 and 9. They love the show and Miley Cirus. I don't think I have to stop letting them watch the show because of the pictures. It is my thought that moments like these are the teaching moments we need with our children. Would you talk about these things with your children if it didn't come out? Everyone will have to adapt their talk for their childs age, but we need these. The 16 year old Spears girl, Miley, etc. they are all teaching moments. Take them and use them to teach your daughters/sons.

Anonymous said...

what time do you girlz typically put up the new wed. talky's??? I have been checking in a bit, to see if a new one is up. just wondering.........:)

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for your family. I thought the obituary in the paper this morning was beautiful. It truely conveyed the love of Christ that your family has. It seems unreal for one family (or two sisters) to lose three precious babies. It has to be difficult too since your other sister just had a baby... I'll keep the prayers coming.

Gary Thompson said...

We banned it. The show...Hannah Montana. Used to watch it. Not anymore. And my girls understand why.