Monday, March 31, 2008

"Sew Mama Sew"

Here is one thing I really love about the internet. There are so many people who love to do what you do, and now there are a hundred blogs dedicated to stuff that I really like to do. There are a lot of blogs on people who take old furniture and reupholster it with funky fabrics, who knew? There is also this resurgence of old school Mom-types who sew and make their own clothes. I'm not really into that per se, but I am interested in learning how to follow a pattern, because one of these days I wont be able to run to my Mom for her to finish all of the projects I begin and then can't figure out how to finish.

So last week I ordered these patterns from SewMamaSew, and am going to attempt to make the pillow one first. I got out the patterns and they look easy enough to understand (although I thought the same thing when I tried to make a tree skirt and had to make the hysterical call to Mom). When I showed these to my Mom she thought the gum drop pillows looked cool, but asked, "you need a pattern to make a pillow case?" Uh, don't?

Let's Connect!



Anonymous said...

You have mentioned that you are not a wiz in the kitchen....but these projects you tackle are so far beyond my realm! I would love to have the gift of creativity with fabrics and the vision to see the potential with crafts, etc. I will have to stick to my cooking and counting on great sales to purchase someone else's creations :) Thanks for sharing all your crazy but wonderful projects!

Anonymous said...

Is your mom really Martha Stewart? I agree with the above post! Show us when you're finished (please).

MelissaLB said...

Yes, our mom really is Martha Stewart- but better! I fell in love with this crocheted blanket a few years ago, and my mom learned how to crochet and made me the same blanket... BUT BETTER! She's awesome!

Anonymous said...

About the diet soda concern you were just talking about.......You will learn to loveeeeee water! Believe me. I rarely drink pop period any more and when I do I can rarely drink a whole can. I actually never got on the diet soda train as I always thought it tasted odd. Almost more sugary. It took me a while to ease into drinking water all the time...esp in the morning as it gave me a stomach ache!!! actually crave water. And if you are going to crave something....I guess water is good :) Anyway...go for it. You will be glad you did!!!!