Friday, December 08, 2006

Share the Warmth!

Last night we did a 99 minute remote from Lake Michigan Auto Center. We were asking people to bring in warm coats and clothes, to be distributed to the rescue missions in the area. I had so much fun! My initial goal was to fill up one measly barrel full of coats...we got so many we started filling up the Volvo in the showroom! Now, if they would have just let me drive the coats to the mission myself, that car was NICE! We are doing several more of these coat drives around the area this week and next. Look through your closets and rubbermaid bins, and donate those unused coats. There is no reason people should be without a warm winter coat this winter.
(By the way, that's me on the cell phone.)

Let's Connect!

1 comment:

Gracie said...

YEA!!!! Yes, everyone needs a warm coat in the winter and this way hopefully everyone can get one.