Monday, October 23, 2006

"One Night With the King"...and a few queens!

Last night, Amy and I took our small group from church, 11th and 12th grade girls (the "queens") to the movie "One Night with the King." It is the story of Esther and we thought it would be a fun thing to do with the girls, and spark some interesting discussion. I found myself laughing hysterically, at all the wrong times, throughout this strange film. Why do Christian movies, with the exception of the great Mel Gibson film, the Passion, come off as mediocre? The acting wasn't the worst I've seen, but the story was so disjointed and slow moving I wanted to yell at the screen, and at Esther, "GET YOUR DANG MEETING WITH THE KING ALREADY!!" And the guy who played the King was so strange, I found myself not really caring if they got together or not. And the girls, instead of enjoying one of the great books of the Old Testamant played out on the big screen, were text messaging each other during the film! It was so bad, Amy desperately wanted to leave about 3/4 of the way through, but I really wanted to see Haman hanging from his own gallows...which they didn't even show!
The one thing the movie did do for me, is inspire me to read Esther. What a beautiful book. Maybe Mel Gibson could get his hands on this story, while going through rehab. It will surely speak to him, if he does in fact have any ill feelings toward the Jews.

Let's Connect!



Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed to hear this. I was looking so forward to seeing the movie. The book, Hadassah: One Night with the King by Tommy Tenney was excellent!

Anonymous said...

I seen the film last week as well, I was glad that I had read the book of Esther beforehand. What really touched me though was God's plan in placing Esther in the palace to accomplish His will for the jews.

Anonymous said...

Since leaving my first comment, I did get out to see the movie. It wasn't a Mel Gibson The Passion,as you said. I suspect it was a low budget film. Most Christian movies don't have the financial backing that the Passion had, therefore the quality isn't going to be there. Having said that, I thought it was ok for a low budget film. I can see if you didn't read the book, One Night With the King, why you would be frustrated with the movie. I felt the movie was scattered and unfocused. The book was filled with a lot of details that filled in the gaps of the movie for me. The movie also changed some things from the book as most movies do. I came away from it with a different perspective than my husband who had not read Tommy Tenney's book. In any regard, the book was much better and I highly recommend it!