Thursday, June 18, 2009

I am Laura Ingalls Wilder!

This week my friend Tami gave me a recipe for homemade laundry soap. I thought I'd give it a whirl and it was so much fun I actually made a triple batch! I have a bunch of pictures too, but my usb port in the mac is kaput or something. Anyway, I'll throw some pictures up next would have been so proud!

Here's the recipe...

1 bar of Fels Naptha soap. (found next to the Ivory Soap).
1/2 cup of Mule Team Borax
1/2 cup of Arm and Hammer washing soda (found next to the Borax). By the way, it's not Arm and Hammer laundry detergent, it looks like a big box of the Arm and Hammer baking soda.

You chop up the Fels Naptha and put it through your food processor to turn it into a powder. Since I don't have a food processor, I grated it with a cheese grater and then put it through the blender, along with the borax and washing soda.

It smells really good and it should only cost about 3 cents a load.

Let's Connect!



Anonymous said...

Where do you buy these kinds of things?

Ceci LaBarge said...

I got everything at Meijer!

Matt Yount said...

Awesome idea, "half pint"! I forwarded this post to Tori!

Ceci LaBarge said...

Oh, I forgot...keep it in a covered container. I bought a cute jar with a red lid from Meijer. For me, it's all about how it looks on the shelf you know:)

Mom said...

Hey Ceci-
Cool idea! How much of the Ingalls soap do you add to each load?

Ceci LaBarge said...

Use about 2 Tablespoons. I recycled one of the baby formula scoops and use that. Also, I put the washer on warm(I have the old kind top loader) and let it foam up the soap a bit, then change it to whatever temp I need, then throw in the clothes. Sorry for forgetting so many details, I typed it out so fast this morning.

Gracie said...

I have been using this recipe for about a year and it works great! We have an older washer and hard water so I use 2-3T and it works like a charm! Wanna make your own liquid fabric softner too?

super easy and works great!

Anonymous said...

It smells wonderful!!! I would suggest putting the whole bar of grated soap into your blender all at once, mine bogged down. Will seperate it out and put a little of the soap into blender and pulverize than add a little more until it is all done. HTH!!

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite "Little House" memory "Caroline, put on some lemon verbena. We're goin' into town. I'll hitch up the team". It's like the equivelent of husbands warming up the car in the winter while we get ready.

Anonymous said...

do you know if this is safe for he machines???